Friday, January 4, 2013

Missy and Nate

This was one of my favorites this year... they are very much in love, and quite stunning I might say! They had guests from all over the country, and the love in the room was evident. Enjoy!

Happy New Year!

2012 brought many changes to my family, the most significant...the birth of my daughter. Rosalie Reed was born in November and she was quite the little surprise, I never imagined bringing home a baby on my 41st birthday! I feel so blessed, especially given the complications I developed while pregnant with her. On that note, I want to thank all my clients for being so patient with me this year, I know how hard it is waiting for your pictures. You all know who you are, and you are WONDERFUL!! I had my busiest year to date and that along with my health issues has been stressful to say the least, but I wouldn't change a thing. I photographed some of the most amazing weddings this year, and met some fantastic people! As I look to 2013 I am excited to capture more memories for my clients, I also will finally finish my new website...really!! In the meantime, I am going to start this blog, and share some of my favorite images from the past year. Hope you enjoy the pics as much as I do! M~

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


This is a little sneak peak of Dana... This girl is a photographers dream ~ She has so many different faces, we started with an elaborate Alice in Wonderland shoot and finished with a shoot on top of a parking garage singing old rock songs - With a whole lotta fun in the middle!

I will continue to add new pics, enjoy the transformation!